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Millet burgers with vegetables recipe

Written on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 | 2:39:00 PM

Makes : 4-6 pieces

Preparation time : 20 minutes (plus cooking, resting and frying time)

Ingredients : 
1)  2 onions
2)  2 garlic cloves
3)  2 carrots
4)  2 leeks
5)  4 tbsp butter
6)  240 g millet
7)  500 ml vegetable stock
8)  salt, pepper
9)  cayenne pepper to taste
10)  1 tsp dried marjoram
11)  4 eggs
12)  breadcrumbs to bind
13)  2 bunches freshly chopped dill
14)  vegetable fat for frying
Preparation Method :
1) Peel the onions, garlic and carrots. Wash the leeks, chop everything finely and cook on a low heat in the melted butter whilst stirring. Wash and drain the millet. Stir into the vegetable mixture and braise.

2) Pour on the vegetable stock and mix in the seasoning and marjoram. Simmer for approx. 10 minutes. Allow to rest for 20 minutes on the hotplate (which may remain hot for some time after being switched off, so let it cool a bit first). Stir in the beaten egg.

3) Bind the millet mixture, if necessary, then mix in the dill. Shape the mixture into small burgers and fry until golden brown in the hot fat.

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