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chicken normandy recipe

Written on Monday, October 24, 2016 | 3:43:00 PM

Serves : servings 

Ingredients : 
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 4 chicken legs or 8 thighs, skin on and bone in
- 4 banana shallots, sliced lengthways into wedges
- large sprig of thyme
- 50ml brandy or Calvados
- 300ml cider
- 50ml crème fraiche
- sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

- 25g butter
- 2 eating apples, cored and cut into wedges
- 1 tbsp demerara or soft brown sugar
Preparation Method :
1) Heat the olive oil in a large flameproof casserole dish or a frying pan with a lid. Add the chicken legs or thighs and cook them for 10 minutes on each side, until they’re well browned and the skin is crisp. Remove the chicken from the pan and set it aside.

2) If there is a lot of fat in the pan spoon some off – you only need about a tablespoon. Add the shallots and sauté them over a medium heat until very lightly browned. Add the thyme, then put the chicken back in the pan.

3) Heat the brandy or Calvados in a small saucepan or a ladle, then ignite it and pour the flaming alcohol over the chicken. Wait for the flames to die down, then pour in the cider. Season with salt and pepper.

4) Bring the liquid to the boil, then partially cover the pan and turn down the heat. Leave the chicken to simmer for about 30 minutes, then remove the lid and turn up the heat to reduce the liquid.

5) While the sauce is reducing, fry the apples. Heat the butter in a frying pan and when it’s foaming, add the apples and sprinkle over the sugar. Fry the apples until they are very slightly caramelised and softened, but still keeping their shape.

6) Remove the chicken from the dish and keep it warm with the apples. Add the crème fraiche to the juices in the pan, then simmer gently until well reduced. Spoon the sauce over the chicken and serve. Good with some crusty bread to soak up the juices and a green salad.

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